International Day Of The Girl

Helping Barneys NY celebrate #GirlPossible in honor or International Day Of The Girl. Support the movement by writing the message "Anything is possible when....." then fill in the blank. Share the photo to your social media using the hashtags #GirlPossible #IDG2015 and tag @BarneysNYOfficial and @TheGirlsLounge

Learn more about the International Day Of The Girl after the jump!

The United Nations declared October 11th of every year the International Day Of The Girl in response to an urgent problem facing our world today: the neglect and devaluation of girls around the worldOn this special day every year, groups across the globe come together to highlight, discuss, celebrate and work to advance girls’ lives and opportunities across the world. When girls work together, we can teach ourselves and other people–adults, boys, and other girls–new ways of thinking about gender issues, which will help us take action to change the status quo.

October 11 is not just a day; it’s a movement. A worldwide revolution.

Girls experience inequalities every day. There are thousands of reasons to have a Day Of The Girl but here just a few:
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