4 Ways You Can Be Charitable That Won't Cost You Any Money

   1. TAKE ACTION   
Join with millions of activists around the world in making a change for the greater good. Signing petitions, sending letters and contacting officials are all ways you can take action. There are a few websites (listed below) that I visit every week to sign petitions and support causes I believe in. It is so easy! You usually enter your information one time and from there all you have to click is one button to send letters and sign petitions, so signing 20 in one day is so fast and easy!

Here are some great websites to visit for signing petitions and sending letters.

   2. VOLUNTEER   

Volunteering your time and services is another great way to get involved and make a difference. Pick your favorite non-profits and call or visit their websites to find out how your can volunteer.  You can also visit VolunteerMatch.com where you can pick your favorite causes and your city and get a list of places your can volunteer!

   3. FUNDRAISE   
Pick a cause, something that is important to you, and start a fundraiser. Pick a start and end date of your fundraiser. Create a small packet stating what your cause is, why it's important to you and should be important to them. Include links to websites with information and a link to the non-profit to which you are donating your raised funds to. Send the packet by email to your friends and family and post to your social media, asking everyone to support your cause by donating any amount, perhaps from $5-$100. Be sure to include in your packet exactly where the money is going.  Some organizations allow you to create a fundraiser right through their website, where people can send their money through a secure location online. You can also simply ask for checks, bank quick-pays or cash. Once your fundraiser ends, you can donate 100% of what you have raised to whatever organization you choose.


Take to your social media and spread the word about different causes and issues you believe in!  Awareness is the number one thing that promotes change. There are so many people who would be willing to speak up, speak out, help and make a difference, yet because of their ignorance or lack of awareness on certain issues, these people often lose the opportunity to do so. Despite seeming like a small gesture, the act of spreading awareness is a huge part of the battle. By speaking up, we increase people's knowledge, which gives them the opportunity to help, which will in turn help the situation of suffering around the world.

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