Your Guide To Facial Oils For Every Skin Type

Skin concern: Oil and acne

Studies show that tea-tree oil can be as effective as benzoyl peroxide.  Grape seed oil is packed with antioxidants and skin brightening vitamin C, and also helps to regulate your skin’s natural oil production. You can find pure tea tree oil at your local Whole Foods or Trader Joes!

Skin concern: Dryness

All oils are great for combating dryness, but olive oil is a particularly incredible moisturizer. In addition to keeping your skin hydrated and soft, it also contains polyphenols, squalene, and fatty acids, which are nourishing and help fight aging. You can use olive oil purchased from your local supermarket- just make sure it says cold pressed. 

Skin concern: Anti-aging 

Arian oil is rich is vitamin E and fatty acids which help to reduce wrinkles and keep your skin moisturized. It is also especially stable in sunlight, making it ideal to put on each morning. Try Josie Maran 100% Argan Oil ($48)

Sunflower oil's main ingredient is linoleic acid, which has a reputation for being one of the most effective ingredients to prevent signs of aging. The fact that it is also much in lecithin, carotenoids, tocopherols, vitamins A, C, and D is just an added bonus. Try Life-flo Pure Sunflower Oil ($14)

Skin concern: Sensitivity 

Red, irritated, blotchy skin is no fun at all, but calendula oil will help soothe your sensitive skin in a big way. The oil effectively treats sensitive, damaged, even sunburned skin with its cell-regeneratiev properties. It has also been used for centuries to combat rashes, itching and inflammation of the skin. 

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