A Is For Ash

I have been so incredibly busy lately. I am not complaining. I love being busy. It just happens to be one of those times where everything seems to be hitting at once for the past few months. I decided to start a children's clothing line a couple of months ago and have been working tirelessly on it. I designed a small collection, made the patterns and am just finishing up sewing samples. There is so much work to be done. Also, a short film that I produced and Brennan directed last year, titled MOOSE, was accepted into the Burbank International Film Festival, so I have been working on being prepared for that. I just found out that the film was nominated for an award, which we are really excited about! It's always nice when your creative work is recognized. 

So on top of keeping up with Tour de STFU, getting my clothing line off the ground and preparing for the film festival, Brennan and I decided to move on a whim and have to be out of our apartment in 4 weeks. Yikes. Then it's vacation time. We are going to Kauai for a week in October! Which of course also requires planning if, like me, you don't love to "fly by the set of your pants". I will get around to it...eventually.


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