Malibu Beach

The beach is somewhere that really recharges me- both spiritually, physically and emotionally. There is something about the crisp air, the smell of salt, the sun, the sound and feel of the ocean that energetically agrees with me. I can't swim and I don't allow my skin to be in the sun so it's odd that I love the beach as much as a I do. I live in L.A, only 30 minutes from the beach, but surprising don't make it out very often but when I do, it is always to de-stress, eat great food and listen to the ocean. One of my all time favorite things to do it collect ocean rocks. I usually spend most of my time walking the water, trying to spot a great rock as the ocean pulls back, then bolting in to grab it. 

Instead of taking the freeway, Brennan and I decided to drive the PCH back home from the Valley this past weekend. I love to roll down the windows, smell the ocean air and watch the ocean. We stopped off for a few minutes to walk on the water- and find some rocks, naturally. I didn't find any, sadly. This little beach was a smooth one.

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