It's National Volunteer Month! Here Are 5 Easy Ways To Volunteer Your Time Right In Your Community!

1. Food Pantries/ Food banks
People flood in to volunteer their time serving food to the homeless during holidays, but food pantries and soup kitchens are always in need of a helping hand. You can help my organizing a local food drive, raising money or handing out hot meals to those in need.

2. Your local animal shelter
Help out at your local animal shelter by volunteering to walk the dogs, play with the cats or help with whatever they might need. Keeping in mind that most of the animals in shelter are kept alone and outside in concrete enclosures, you could also organize a drive to collect dog and cat food, blankets, toys and beds (used or otherwise).

3. Virtual volunteering
Virtual volunteering is a relatively new phenomenon that involves helping worthy organizations with things like graphic design, grant writing, social media outreach, and marketing

4. Organize a neighborhood yard sale for charity
Everyone has stuff  laying around their homes and garages that they don't need or want. Organize a neighborhood garage sale could not only help people finally clear out their homes, but could benefit charity in a big way. You could either hold a garage sale and donate all the money to a good cause, or skip the sale and instead box everything up to be donated to homeless shelters, women's centers or needy families. (Note: do NOT donate to Goodwill or Salvation Army!!)

5. Your local library

national free public library system is in a perpetual state of crisis thanks to budget cuts. Organize a book drive or contact your local library to see what kind of help they need!

Looking for volunteer opportunities? Head over to to search for volunteer activities by simply typing in your zip code and a keyword about the type of work you want to do. You can choose everything from animals, schools, advocacy, arts and more!

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