The Beaded Turtleneck

Hi ladies and gents! Hope everyone had a really great holiday with friends and family. I had the whole week off of work last week, which was really nice, however unfortunately I literally didn't get anything done. I'm having the New Year itch I guess- I don't know about you guys but I always feel like I need to get rid of things and organize and re-design my surroundings. I was planning on spending the week organizing and catching up (maybe even getting ahead) on creative work. I was going to get my whole Tribe & Co work station organized. I have fabric and samples, notebooks and sewing stuff kind of everywhere (I am slightly OCD so when I say "everywhere" I really mean just not in labeled boxes) I was also going to start designing the Spring/Summer collection for Tribe & Co and possibly re-design Tour de STFU. Although I still haven't decided if I want to get a whole new template going- I kind of love it already but I also feel like I want to re-vamp. The blog will have it's one year anniversary in April so maybe I will do it then. I also need to clean out my closet and get rid of a bunch of stuff that I am never going to wear. Some stuff is too young, some is too colorful, and some stuff still has the tags from a year ago- all of which I need to say "bye" to. 

Needless to say, I didn't get anything accomplished. I spend a lot of time with my family, went to Disneyland and ate at a couple of great restaurants here in LA. And spend the rest of my time lounging in bed with Brennan. I think I spent a full two days in bed, watching movies and ordering all food and smoothies to the house. I really needed the rest honestly. I have been overworking myself- and I know that because I am not one to get sick in general, yet I have been sick 4 times in the last few months. I feel better but not totally rejuvenated, believe it or not. But back to hustle! Lots of exciting stuff to come!


Leather wrap skirt: ASOS
Beaded sweater: ZARA (similar here)
Shoes: ASOS

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