Natural Antibiotics To Consider Before Prescriptions

While antibiotics certainly have their uses, it is important to keep in mind that taking them can cause many health problems.

Since antibiotics, by definition, are substances or compounds that kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, keep in mind that while they do destroy harmful bacteria, they also destroy beneficial bacteria as well. Considering one of the functions of intestinal bacteria is to aid in food digestion, it's no surprise that antibiotics can cause digestive problems. Studies show that even short-term use of antibiotics can disrupt the body’s natural gut flora.

Another issue is that due to over-consumption, treating infections with antibiotics today unfortunately leads to more harm than good to our immunity and digestive systems. And we aren't only getting too many antibiotics from our doctors. Take the agricultural use: Antibiotics are injected into animals or animal feed and are then sold to us for consumption and, well, you are what you eat.

Preventative solutions like zinc, vitamin D and echinacea are always a good idea. And there is a time and place for medical intervention, but before running to the Dr for a prescription, consider these alternatives first!

Raw Honey
Containing natural antiseptic, antibacterial and antifungal properties, raw honey is the best natural antibiotic out there. It doesn't cause bacterial resistance and can be used as a topical ointment, or taken orally by mouth. I will take it by the spoonful or mix into warm water or tea when I am sick, especially with a sore throat, cough or cold.  

Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar has natural bacteria fighting agents. It is useful for everything in treating what seems like everything under the sun from constipation, headaches, arthritis, indigestion, high cholesterol, diarrhea, eczema, sore eyes, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, obesity, and so much more. You can take a shot of it every morning but should especially be consumed when you are sick. Again, take a shot or mix it in warm water with some lemon and honey. I swear by taking a shot of this stuff when you feel a sore throat coming on.

Garlic is a potent natural antibiotic that is especially effective in clearing the sinuses. It also has the ability to kill various forms of bacteria due to high levels of sulfur compound and allicin.

Fermented Foods
Fermented foods such as sauerkraut and kimchi have been around for centuries. They have so many health promoting properties and are rich in probiotics for gut health and digestion.

Coconut Oil

This oil contains antiviral, antibacterial, anti-imflammatory and antifungal properties. Coconut oil is high in lauric acid, which is also prominent in the saturated fat of human breast milk, giving vital immune building properties to babies. Outside of human breast milk, nature’s most abundant source of lauric acid is coconut oil.

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