Kiva- My New Favorite Charity Website

I came across this incredible, life saving site called KIVA, a non-profit organization whose mission is to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty around the world. I immediately jumped on board and spent hours reading, getting to know poverty stricken and undeserved people, their stories and their goals. I donated to many of them to help support their dreams of getting out of poverty, supporting themselves and their families and make their dreams come true. I am so happy that I found this site and can contribute to the welfare and positivity of so many people around the world.

The power of Kiva loans go far beyond the people who borrow money, helping create positive changes in their families and communities! Read more about Kiva after the jump!!

Who is Kiva?

"a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate poverty. Leveraging the internet and a worldwide network of microfinance institutions, Kiva lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunity around the world"

How does Kiva work?

Since 2005, Kiva has crowd-funded more than 1 million loans, totaling more than a half a billion dollars, at a repayment rate of 99 percent.

Kiva allows people to lend money to low income, undeserved entrepreneurs and students from 86 countries around the world. Kiva works in the same manner as crowdfunding sites in that the borrower will set up a profile with a specific financial goal in mind and try and raise the money they need to support themselves and get our poverty. You can donate as much or as a little money as you want to one, or several people. 

Kiva itself does not collect any interest on the loans it facilitates and Kiva lenders do not make interest on loans. Kiva is purely supported by grants, loans, and donations from its users, corporations, and national institutions.

What you do

Browse a list of borrowers and find a person or story that you connect with

Click "Lend" to send money directly to Field Reps, who are there to vet, administer and deliver the loans. 

Receive updates as the borrowers you support succeed and repay their loans!

Once you are repaid, you can donate back to Kiva or find another borrower to support! 

An example of how Kiva works....

Some inspiring stories
Safoura from Mali used to travel the market over 30 miles to buy groceries to resell at local markets. With a recent Kiva loan, Safoura bought two donkeys which make traveling to and from the markets every week more efficient. Her new profits has also allowed her to send her children to school for the first time!

Livonia from Uganda works hard to manage her fresh banana business to support her family.

Ronnie from Zimbabwe has been supporting his family with his flea market business for the past 6 years. A recent Kiva loan helped him expand his selection even more.

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