Aye Aye Captain

I am such a crazy hat person and especially adore quirky hats. I like to keep my outfit clean and tailored- like trousers and button up, a minimal dress, or a tailored jumpsuit like this one- and top off with a fun hat, for a little juxtaposition. Right now, I am loving captain's hats! I used to have a vintage black and white one that I wore all the time, but somehow I haven't been able to find it for quite some time. I came across this one, however, at H&M of all places. I say "of all places" just because H&M is such a trendy retailer and I think captain's hats have come that far yet. But in any case, I am glad I found it! 

Jumpsuit: ASOS
Sandals: Zara
Captains Hat: H&M

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