Beautifying Watermelon Chia Elixir

We all know about chia seeds by now. They are high in fiber, are a complete vegan protein, have 3x more antioxidants than blueberries, more omegas than salmon and more potassium than a banana. Watermelon contains a healthy dose of vitamins A, which keeps skin and hair moisturized and encourages production of collagen and elastin cells. It also has a lot of vitamin B6 and C, lots of lycopene, antioxidants and amino acids. It's great for your skin and also keeps your hydrated and aids in digestion. 

3 tbsp of chia seeds
3 cups of fresh, organic watermelon
1/2 cup of organic, peeled cucumber
1 cup lukewarm water
Agave nectar (optional)

Using a small bowl, slowly pour lukewarm water over the chia seeds, stirring continuously so that the chia seeds have time to activate and open up. Leave the mixture in the fridge for as long as possible- preferably overnight. The longer you let the chia sit, the more they will gelatinize. 

Once the chia seeds are gelatinized, combine the watermelon and cucumber in a blender and blend together until the mixture is the consistency of a slushy (about 30 seconds). Add agave nectar is you want your drink to be a bit sweeter

Pour the mixture into a cup, add your chia and stir it all together with a spoon until it's well combined. 


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