8 Tips For Growing Your Hair Out Long

1. A healthy diet
Hair, like the rest of your outward appearance, looks best when it is treated from the inside out. Eating a healthy diet is the single best way to get strong, healthy hair. I make it a mission to eat every color of the rainbow, every day. I also go for iron-rich dark green leafy veggies, foods (like salmon) that are rich is Omega-3, a lot of good vegetarian protein (I have a great list here), and foods rich in B vitamins and biotin like whole grains or eggs. I also drink a lot of water and juice and drink green tea every day.

2. Supplements

You don't want to replace natural foods with supplements, but using vitamins as an extra oomph is okay. I don't always, but have in the past taken Phytophanère Hair And Nails Dietary Supplement.

3. Hydrate

Moisturizing is everything. Use products containing coconut and avocado oil which coat the cuticle to seal in moisture, reduce breakage, promote elasticity and help retain length.
Everyone should deep condition once a week- twice a week if you have hair longer than your shoulders. I only wash my hair twice a week and I deep condition both times. I use pure coconut oil a lot that I pick up at Trader Joe's. I apply it to my dry hair and let it sit for 30 minutes before washing. 

4. Don't overwash

Washing your hair strips it of its natural oils and can be very drying. It's especially harmful when you are someone who has to blow out their hair after washing.  Instead of hopping in the shower the second your hairs feels a bit dirty, use a dry shampoo instead.  I only wash my hair twice a week and use Goldwell Ultra Volume Dry Shampoo or one by Oribe. They both not only absorb oil but also give good volume and texture back to your roots.

5. Skip the heat whenever possible

Heat and over-processing will break the protein bonds of the hair, and once the bonds are broken, they can never be repaired and thus, your hair will not grow.

I happen to like the natural texture of my hair so I am lucky in that I don't feel I have to blow it out or use a curling iron. I really believe this is one of the main reasons that my hair has grown to be so long. I wash my hair at night, let it air dry about 80%, then either twist it into a bun or braid it loosely before bed. In the morning I end up with voluminous hair with a nice curl. 

If you are one that prefers your hair after a good blow out, straighten or curl, really try to minimize how often you do so. 

-Washing your hair less, as I mentioned above, is one way to use heat less frequently. 
-You can get a great curl to your hair sans a curling iron by twisting slightly damp or freshly dried (still warm) hair into a bun and letting it cool- the longer the better...I do it overnight. 
-Use a heat protectant before using any heat on your hair

6. Sleep on a satin or silk pillowcase

I sleep on satin or silk pillowcase because it helps prevents tangling, friction and breakage while you sleep. It also is best for your skin! 8 hours can do a lot of damage on both.

7. Detangle properly

I am crazy when it comes to brushing out my hair. I treat my hair like it's going to fall out of my head or break in half because, well, it will if you're too rough.
-Be really, really gentle
-Opt for a wide tooth comb
-Always detangle before you shower if, like me, you have particularly knotted hair
-Start at the bottom and work your way up when you brush out your hair
-Use a detangler! I have really tangly hair so I use Motions Enhance & Define Pre-Wash Detangling Butter before I shower plus one post shower when my hair is wet.

8. Trim only when necessary

Remember that old wise tale that your should trim your hair every 6 weeks? This could be true if you have really over processed, damaged hair- but if you don't- skip the trims. Healthy hair grows about 1/4 inch a month on average. Cutting off that 1/4 inch every 6 weeks will get you, well, no where. I don't know what a hair professional would said, by I say only go for a trim when you see split or very dry ends. My hair is in pretty good shape so I trim my hair every 6 months and get one good, 3-4 inch cut once a year. 

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